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    1. محمود تفکریان، شناخت دفاتر اسناد رسمی، چاپ دوم، تهران، انتشارات نگاه بینه، ص ۱۳۸۵٫


    1. مظاهری، رسول و ناظم، علیرضا، «ماهیت و آثار امضای الکترونیکی در حقوق ایران، مقررات آنسیترال»، ماهنامه کانون سردفتران و دفتریاران قوه قضائیه، شماره ۸۶، آبان ۱۳۸۷٫


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  1. وصالی ناصح، مرتضی، «امضای الکترونیک و جایگاه آن در ادلّه اثبات دعوا»، مجله کانون سردفتران و دفتریاران قوه قضائیه، سال چهل و هشتم، دوره دوم، شماره ۵۹، بهمن و اسفند ۱۳۸۴٫

فهرست منابع لاتین


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Electronic records are relatively new concept is emerging. Due to this and the lack of electronic records to establish offices in the country, to find the meaning of this phrase to refer to the rights and procedures in the field of the pioneer countries. Traditional and electronic nature of the relationship in terms of the principles and rules governing the classification of the unit makes it notarized certificate of registration and any effect in the world of proof and the real and only in the event of a dispute or necessary confidence and reason, “prove” it facilitates.


Taking advantage of the new technologies of communication in today’s life and growth of electronic commerce, the transformation of traditional structures is inevitable. The digital world is an inseparable part of human life. The rules are no choice but to accept it. Registered mail to the traditional concept of waiver and registration is not removed, apart from the traditional observance of the principles mentioned in the registration binding, paper is still the official document, tangible benefits to and not to forget the experience of different social classes in paper documents.


Keywords: electronic document, official documents, electronic records, official document


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